Friday, October 12, 2007

AOPA's Phil Boyer strikes again

As idiots go, I figure the president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is in a class by himself.  After supporting Lockheed Martin's bid to privatize Flight Service, now he's upset because LockMart has wrecked Flight Service, and his members can't even do simple things like file flight plans and obtain weather briefings.

Time for Phil (Rip Van) Boyer to wake up.  You supported this.  You wanted this.  Well, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it.  Of course, this is old news; this happened two years ago.  Why am I writing about this now?  Because Rip Van Boyer just testified before Congress, and this is what he said, direct from the AOPA web site:

When Lockheed Martin first took over the system,  things were better than under the FAA. "We got through Hurricane Katrina better that we would have under the old system," Boyer said.

Now if I were a cynic (me, never!) I would point out that Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005, and LockMart did not take over until October 4!  Mr. Idiot Boyer, that WAS the old system at work when Katrina hit New Orleans.

Someone once told me the world is divided into smart people and fools.  Smart people don't get into trouble because they're smart.  And the fools who know they're fools at least know enough to stay out of trouble.  But the fool who think they're smart - they're the ones who are dangerous, and that's where you can find Phil Boyer.  A fool who thinks he's smart.  Those are the guys who get people killed.

Good luck over there in that alternate reality, Mr. Boyer.  The one where you made the right decision to sell Flight Service to LockMart.

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