Sunday, February 3, 2008

Final Score: Giants 17, Patriots 14

As upsets go, this one was somewhere between improbable and impossible.  If it had been an earthquake, it would have measured 7 on the Richter scale.  As 13-point underdogs, no one expected the Giants to beat the Patriots, except me, of course, but I'm way too modest to point that out.  (see previous blog entry from ten days ago.)

Eli Manning, Super Bowl MVP.

Now those are word we would never have expected to see in the same sentence even a year ago.  Even a month ago, for that matter.  Maybe the Eli-haters will finally give him a break.  If that kid's last name were Smith or Jones, or he played anywhere but New York, everyone would be talking about that good young quarterback in say, Cleveland or Denver.  Now the critics will have to complain about someone else.

And the funny thing is the best team won today.  The Giants outplayed the Patriots and deserved to win.  New York controlled the line of scrimmage, out-rushed and out-passed New England.  More importantly, the Giants made the big plays when they had to.  Manning's scramble out of trouble to throw a bomb that David Tyree caught with his HEAD is going to be on the Super Bowl highlight reel forever.

Prior to the Super Bowl, the Patriots trademarked the words "19-0."  As they say, pride goeth before a fall.  And to quote that eminent philosopher Osi Umenyiora, maybe they can trademark "18-1" now.

Give the Patriots credit; the players were gracious in defeat, with even Randy Moss saying they couldn't match the Giants' intensity.  Even Bill Belichick was no more grumpy in defeat than he usually is in victory.

On paper, the Patriots should have won by two touchdowns, but that's why they play the game.  Congratulations to Tom Coughlin, who could easily have been fired after last season, and the rest of the underdog Giants.

Once again, as strange as it may seem, final score:

New York Giants 17, New England Patriots 14


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